Artists Selected for the Kitchen Sink Show
Alejo Salcedo
Amy Fitzgerald
Angelique L. Emile
Ashley Jones
Billy Hawkins
Brenda Hernandez
Chad Beroth*
Charles Hildebrandt
Charles Murcock
Chris Austin
Dalia Pica / Lola’s Locas
Dennis Wells
Dual at Dawn
Elizabeth Shanahan
Eric Isbanioly
Ernest W.X. Bell
Francisco Gonzalez
Hannah Reed
Jack Hernon*
Jennifer Wynn O’Kelly*
Jessica Webb
Jessie Rae Perkins
Josh LeFever
Justin R. Poe
Katharyn Valier
Kelly L. Taylor*
Kendall Doub
Krista Culpepper
Kyla Glover
Laura C. Frazier
Les III*
Lye Lawrence
Madalyn Wofford
Maggie Snoke
Mary Beth Boone
Morganne Radziewicz
Nicolette Yates
Perviz Heyat
Samantha Saatzer
Sarah Kelly
The Patrick Harris*
Tim Walters
Must be present to vote, so come see us during Regular business hours or during a special event!
Quite a few people had a hard time with the "just drawings" limitation of our January drawing show, so to give people an opportunity to show a broader range of work, we scrapped our original February show idea at Delurk to give you a show with a broader theme. So broad in fact, that there's no theme at all! We considered calling the show "everything but the kitchen sink", but then we thought about it, and decided... ehh.. you can even submit your kitchen sink if you want!
Another exciting element to this show is the "People's Choice" Award. We are letting you, our guests and patrons vote for your favorite artist. The artist (*not open to Delurk Collective Members) with the most votes wins a Solo Show at Delurk Gallery. So cast a meaningful vote this primary season and support opportunity for artists in our community.