Tammy Baldwin-Willard
Alcohol ink gestural abstract painting by tbWillard
A Sort-of Artist Biography by T.B. Willard
Talking about myself is going to be awkward and filled with nervous rambling. I will spare you. Instead, I offer this zippy little list of random things about me, by me.
I am... I have... I do... I like.....
a Stokes County country girl living in Winston Salem
at peace in the woods--Alone.
suffering from an unsatisfied Wanderlust
a wife longer than not.
A college grad from Guilford at the mere age of 40 (Rock On my FIGHTING FIGHTING QUAKERS!)
wreck cars exceedingly well
I have made custom signs forever
prefer ideas over gossip
110.3% of the time pull for the underdog
I don't like to eat animals often. Although if I’m angry or overwhelmed a steak will melt in my mouth
I was pregnant this one time.. He's 17.
I desperately want a tattoo -- I desperately don’t like pain
I imagine folks as characters in stories.. I'm forever curious about their motivations and loves.
I feel a day has been worthwhile after I've performed some PHYSICAL work
free weights over nautilus.
indoor rock climbing and kickboxing over jazzercise
social dancing only follows after social drinking
I'm awkward but outgoing.
I love alcohol + ink
my artwork is a reaction and conversation with my emotions.
I have social media stuff on Insta -- @earth_and_ink_nc