Meet and Mingle with innovative 20 something’s bringing opportunities and business to the triad area, June 11 at 20 Something Doing Something. Blogger Snooty Judy presents the second annual 20 Something Doin’ Something (#20SDS). #20SDS is a chance to mingle with young innovative, creative, and business minded people in the triad area and find out what they have going on in our communities. It will be Saturday June 11th in Winston Salem’s beautiful downtown arts district at Delurk Art Gallery from 7pm to 10pm. Other than a chance to meet with young professionals, the night will be filled with performances, live art, giveaways, as well as hors d'oeuvres and drinks. At you can read more about each individual 20SDS blog feature: My Coins Matter, Reve Lips, and Savory Sweets by Shonise. However, on June 11, you will be given the opportunity to meet and hear more from these 3 business minded “20 Somethings.” My Coins Matter teaches others how to save money by extreme couponing and in return she gives food, cleaning and personal hygiene products to the under resourced and disenfranchised. Reve Lips, is a local lipstick brand handmade and coconut oil based that has been taking over the city. The last 20SDS feature is Savory Sweets by Shonise, a local business that can practically bake any sweet you can dream of with a surprise in every bite. Local artists BANKS will be performing from his new album WEALTH. The night will have many other great surprises that millennials can be a part of as well as an occasion to network, collaborate, and build together. Snooty Judy is not your typical blog, owner and operator Whitney Daniel uses it as her Trojan horse to create and share beautiful things. In pursuit to opening her own creative agency, she uses it as a portfolio to create and share. is also an inspiration hub for the dreamers, a forum that gives insight into sometimes difficult topics, as well as a platform to spread news about the awesome shakers in North Carolina.