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Delurk is an artist run gallery, dedicated to the exposure and sale of current artists’ work locally, regionally, and nationally. Located in the center of the Arts District in downtown Winston-Salem, NC, Delurk has a large flexible gallery space with shows that rotate through each month featuring new bodies of work by guest artists as well as fresh submissions selected from the current Delurk Collective. Stop in on the First Friday of every month during Gallery Hop to see what’s new. We are committed to bringing quality work to the conversation on a monthly basis.

Please check out the Collective Artist links, without each other and the help of the Winston-Salem Foundation, Delurk would not be possible. 

FUN FACT: Delurk could be completely self sufficient if our average sales were $6,000.00 per month in event rentals and art sales combined and 65% of that money would return to our local artists and in turn the local economy, not to mention, art is a great investment! 

207 W 6th Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336.486.3444

Gallery Hours

Tues -Wed. Private showings and rentals by appointment

Drop in Hours:

Thurs - Sat: 12-6PM
Sunday: 12-4PM

First Friday Gallery Hop: 7-10PM

Art Crush - April-December on third Fridays: 7-10PM Streets are closed for family friendly entertainment curated by local artists.

Current Collective Members include:

Tammy Baldwin-Willard,* Chad Beroth, Emily Beroth, Holland Berson, John D. Gall,  Jack Hernon,* Dennis Millsaps,* Jennifer Wynn O'Kelly,* Will Safrit, Nic See, Cindy Taplin, Zac Trainor, Dane Walters,* Dennis Wells, Melanie Troutman-Williams,* and Art-o-Mat*.

* Denotes Full-time Member

We offer Full-Time, Part-Time, Student, and At-Large memberships.

In addition to paying monthly dues to offset a small percentage of the gallery operating costs, Full-Time Members materially participate in gallery operations on a regular weekly basis volunteering their time to staff the gallery and participate in committee work. Part-time, At-Large, and Student artists participate on a less regular basis according to individual agreements with the Collective. To learn more about becoming a member of the collective contact us at

A Bit About Terminology:

A collective and a cooperative are slightly different legal entities. A collective is an overarching term for any group of legal entities working together because of some shared goal or interest. A cooperative, on the other hand, is a collective specifically formed for mutual benefit, generally of an economic type, such as making money or saving money by working together.

Why does Delurk use the term Collective instead of Co-op?

Artist Co-operative Galleries generally guarantee all members a featured exhibit that occurs at regular intervals. The Co-op votes on new members based on the quality of an artist’s work as well as what that individual brings to the group in terms of skills, temperament, and ability to meet the regular financial requirements of the group. All the members vote on new memberships and the structure is a pure democracy. The main purpose of the co-op is for each of the member artists to have a place to exhibit and sell artwork.

Delurk offers many ways for artists of all disciplines and genres to participate that are not limited solely to members. We curate the art experience in the gallery based on submissions from outside the Collective and no Collective Member is guaranteed a solo show within a given time. Collective Artists may at any time submit an idea for a show to the Exhibit Committee who review and vote on each submission and determine when and if the proposal will be accepted.  Featured Artists are selected and scheduled according to the rhythm of the entire year and the submissions received by both outside individual artists and members of the group. Because not all members are required to participate equally, we do not all have an equal voice and members can voluntarily step back from full membership when life demands it without penalty of losing exhibition opportunities. Our Event and Operations committees Operate similarly and only full-time members carry a vote within the committees, though part-time members are sometimes called upon to break a tie or provide their special insight into a particular project. Special project committees can even include non-members and determine their operating and decision-making structure for the duration of that exhibit, performance, series, or event autonomous of the collective as a whole.  The whole process is based on trust and collaboration.